
Total Students
SWMC-14 to SWMC-18


Number of Seats Allowed


Number of Hospital Beds


Number of Hospital Free Beds


Beds Occupancy Rate (approximate)


Academic approval by Session Public University approved by Govt and BMDC
SL Organization's Name Recongnition/Affiliation Upto Remark
1 Bangamata Sheik Fazilatunnessa Mujib Medical University, Sylhet
  • Affiliation upto : 2021-2022
  • Applied for affiliation : 2022-23/23-24
  • --
    2 Shahjalal University of Science & Techology (SUST)
  • Affiliation upto : 2022-2023
  • --
    3 Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MH & FW)
  • Affiliation : 2021-2022/2022-23
  • Applied for affiliation : 2023-24 & 24-25 Sessions
  • Inspection has been completed
    4 Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council (BMDC)
  • MBBS recognition upto: 2018-19
  • Applied for : 2019-2020 & 2020-2021 Sessions
  • Inspection has been completed

    Land information

    224 Decimal

    Floor Space college

    1,92,570 sq feet

    Floor Space Hospital

    2,55,000 sq feet